Thursday, February 21, 2008

This is the Garage at 2 Story Street, St. Marys-in a mad dream i rented it to start a Community Artspace- it doesn't look like much on the outside but Phylliss the Philosphical Thylacine finds it amenable enough and there is the space inside it's 3 bays to make Big things like the Tardis and the Flying Pigs- it also stores all of Grassy Bottom Regional Arts' equipment and in the entirety of the plan would have a sprung Dance Floor and a landscaped garden for non-commercial social use as well as a Youth Space, a Gallery, a Doll and Toy Museum..did i mention a home for Fiddlesticks Puppet Theatre?

We had a Film Making Workshop with Craig Cooper

from Flatbottom Productions for our local Emerging

Film makers- they made a short film over a weekend.

This is them going through some scenes at the Garage

This is the Garage when i first got it, hey, presto chango! well, not exactly- i have not calculated how many buckets of black i removed from the inside but there were many...

Just in case you were hangin' out to see the Big Pink flying, well here he is, all six pink meters of him-made for the "Pigs Might Fly" project undertaken by John McColl and myself for the Sesquicentennial Winter Solstice year ( 2007) in St. Marys, It was a Fire Pig Year and was it ever, heralded by a Major wildfire disaster that shook us all up a bit but we're better now.

1 comment:

shayndel said...

Congratulations on your space, looks like inspiring things here:)
Thank you for stopping by. Happy to meet a fellow finder.